Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Great Mashed Potato Debate

So...your thinking...mashed potatoes...ugh they take sooo long to cook! Maybe I should just try instant?? Well, I put this question to the a not-on-purpose kind of way. Get ready for a great story! My family will be telling this one to my grandkids.

Reese has this event at her school called "Turkey Lunch". They have it every year, where the entire school gathers in the gym and enjoys a nice hot turkey lunch. All the kids wear green and red for the season, sing carols and just have a ball with all their friends and teachers.

When they asked for volunteers I was up for the challenge. I wanted to take part in something at her school and thought this was a great idea. They needed helpers for set-up, the day of help, cooking mashed potatoes, and clean-up afterwards. I signed up for the whole canoodle! The more helpers, the quicker it goes right?

Well, last week was crazy! I mean holy shit balls crazy. I had Reese's birthday party on Saturday morning, a family Christmas dinner Saturday night, and Disney Princess's on Ice on Sunday. Plus I had volunteered to help out on Wednesday and Thursday for this turkey lunch.

Wednesday set-up was great! Went quick and effortless and I was on my marry way. Thursday was another story. Do you ever have those days when you are running around like your a crack whore running from your pimp, that you feel like you are going to throw up? That was Thursday. I had to be at the school for 11am for the lunch to start at 11:30. Before this time I still had to wake my ass up, cook the potatoes, go to the market to pick up meat for Saturday's birthday party, pick up wood for the fence cuz my loving husband thought that one more thing on my list was not a problem, and get back home to drop Miss Marli off to be watched by my fairy god friend...Ashley:)

I woke up at 7am and cooked the potatoes but did not have time to mash them as Reese had to be at school for 9am. No problem, I will mash that shit when I get back home after my running around. Riiiiight! I zoom home, pull in the driveway...time 10:45am...rush into the house and start to mash the potatoes. They are wallpaper glue...straight up wallpaper glue!!! WTH!!!! I think to myself, "Holy shit! I will be that mother at the Turkey Lunch with mashed potatoes in my hair, not wearing green and red, and no mashed potatoes!". Cue the instant mashed potatoes! Book it over to the corner store...clear out their supply of instant mashed potatoes...12 boxes, (that is going to be a bitch on Christmas, they might want to put another order in pronto!) get home to cook the fastest mashed potatoes man has ever seen!

Ashley and I should have a reality show contract signed, sealed, and delivered to viewers all over the world. You want suspense, comedy and fear?? It was all here on December 17, 11:10am. We cooked that mess up and it was alright. The taste is a bit cardbordy...but you know what! it will have to do when your in a bind or glue...literally. I got to the school just in time as food was being served and no one even knew the difference. Well except that all the other mothers nicely smoothed out their potatoes and mine looked like squirrels had gone on a acorn hunt!...dah well!

Lesson here my friends! Never cook potatoes, drain the water, let them cool and then decide to mash them up. Martha would not be impressed...not at all.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Swear when I have children....

I was watching Julie/Julia the movie and there was a part where her mother was questioning why she was doing this blog thing...I thought to myself, "Why are mothers always on their daughters ass?" They are a woman...we are women...WTF!

I have a great mom...worked her ass off for her children as a single mom and I think we all turned out pretty darn well. But that doesn't mean that there are times when my mother is on my ass! Questioning my every moment...what I did during the day...why I decided to have my kids on a schedule or even breastfeed. Shit...when I told my mom I was using a midwife she nearly hit the floor. I always have to explain myself to my mother, why I feel passionate about something or that I know I am doing a good job whether she thinks so or not.

Why do mothers do this to their children? Do they not remember what is felt like to have your own mother hound on you every second of the day? I like support, but what I don't like is the questioning. I am 30....30!...I think I am doing well for myself and I am pretty damn smart. I mean she was the one who instilled these qualities in me. Should she not be standing up on the mountains and shouting, "I did that!!!". What an accomplishment for her. But no..mothers like mine always have to question your every move.

I really do wish that when my girls are older that I am on their side. No matter how crazy their ideas are, that I am really with them. Ideas are just ideas. You have this life to try all the ideas you want. We are given this gift of life, why waste it just one one idea? If one fails, move on to the next. My husband is the best person to know about these ideas. I always have a new one, wanting to try this or that. He always stands by me, no matter how crazy they are. If I fail..oh well, on to the next! I want to be this supportive mother for my daughters.

My mother really means well. I guess as a mother you don't want your child to fail. You have lived your own life and know what mistakes you have made or mistakes that others have made and I guess you want to derail your child from these heartbreaks. I don't think of it as heartbreaks, I think of it as lessons. Please if you know me when my children are teenagers and I want to break their necks, that you tell me to remember these lessons. I wish for my girls to want to try everything...dig in deep with their heels...and not worry if they fail. What better than to be at the end of your life and know you tried everything and failed than to never had tried anything and be bored.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Shop till you.....

Drop right??

False. Why is it whenever you have the chance to go shopping solo, it always turns into this rush/panic as to what is going on at home?

I take my girls anywhere. Really, I am not afraid of slugging it out with the rest of the stroller crazy moms at the mall or hittin the local festival sans a husband with two crazy kids. I will do it. Groceries every week, the market on Thursday's, some crazy ass kids I mentioned, I do it. But I do enjoy the time on a Saturday when I can bust out of the house early in the morning to get some shit done.

I enjoy getting dolled up, which mean actually showering and doing my makeup. I get dressed up, again which means not wearing jogging pants and a tank top...braless. So yes, jeans and a nice shirt without any stains...hopefully. I like to get a Starbucks and hit the stores that I really would rather do alone. I am all good to go and ready to pull a Q-B sneak on the hubby just to see that face, "When are you going to be back...and are you really going to leave me with these kids...I really have work to do" look. WTF!!!

Then I get out of the house only to be gone about an hour to get a phone call as to when I will return and "save the day!". Really? Is this rrreally happening?? I would love to have a couple of hours where I can get my shit done without feeling rushed and have to get back home because the house is burning and I am the only one that can fix it!

I went out this weekend to get some Christmas shopping done just to get that type of phone call. Now my husband is very capable of changing a diaper, feeding the children (fish crackers and pickles of course), and making sure the kids are doing something productive (taking all the wipes out of the package and throwing them everywhere in an art like fashion). He is a great father, helps me out more than most men. But I get a phone call in the middle of doing stuff just to hear Reese screaming and Dave not understanding what is going on and how to fix it and asking when I will be home. I don't need to hear this!!! I don't care if I told you I would be home at 1pm and its now 2pm and I am still not home. Just deal with it!!

Mayyyyybe if he would stop trying to be a 4 year old's best friend....he would gain some respect?? Mayyybe???

Monday, November 30, 2009

30 and Feeling Great!!!

Last Thursday I went to the gym for a work out and decided I'd take the treadmill as my first some a mag. I logged all my info in and for the first time I had to enter 30 under the age category. 30....really??

Right then and there I felt this new feeling. Like its my responsibility to be a little more mature. Take care of myself. I have read magazines in the past where they tell you how to take care of your body at 20, 30, and 40's. I could keep myself in the 20's category...since I was in my twenties. I could take my time about washing my face, moisturizing...I had time on my side...right? Now that I have turned 30, I feel like I have no time left. This is where it all starts going downhill. I need to moisturize or lines will set in. I need to start eating right because weight won't come off as easily. All this pressure hits you like a ton of bricks when you turn 30.

But I do feel great! I have more security than in my 20's. I have great friends who I love and would do anything for me. My family is healthy and happy. What more could I ask for? Well maybe a tighter ass and that those dark circles under my eyes don't get worse with time.

Here is to being 30 and experiencing the next great things that are set forth for me:)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Speed Demon

Yes I got a speeding ticket...FIRST ONE!!!!!

I always thought if I ever got pulled over by a cop, that I would break down and start crying and shaking. But that was not the case on Saturday night. I knew I was speeding and the last second when I noticed the man in blue, I knew it was too late and the lights had already come on. I just pulled over calmly and answered all his questions firmly. He knocked down my speeding from 28 over to 15 points and only $52. He then thought it would be funny to ask me what my "MushMush" licence plates stood for. Hey, here is a funny story, how about you just rip up my ticket! Well I guess we can add this to the things that happened to me before I turned 30....Hopefully this is not a appetizer for what comes after 30.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Best and Worst of MushMush

I thought that a countdown of stories from my life to my 30th birthday would be fun and embarrassing at the same time. A little trip down memory lane of things that I am glad I don't ever have to do again and lessons I have learned to get me to my next milestone. Grab some cookies, a blanket and a spiked cup of hot chocolate may get crazy!

My first entry I think will have to do with one of the things I am happy I never have to do again...well maybe once I hit my Golden Years I will try it again or I will call up my grand kids and make them drive my wrinkly ass around town!

I have to say I am glad I no longer have to rely on the good ol' Kitchener Transit or as it is called today...Grandriver Transit. I will not miss those morning where I would wake up realising that I didn't set my alarm clock the night before...rushing to get dressed, get my backpack, dial 888-..... and hear the annoying lady say, "Route....3....Downtown Terminal....comes in....(holy shit lady just tell me how much time my half black ass has to get to the stop that is 5 min away!!) 2 minutes. Tearing up the street as fast as I could...JUST! to see the friggen bus drive right passed me. Frig me I hated those mornings!!

Nope can't say I will miss those times in the winter, standing at the stop with no bloody shelter, snow gusting all around me, freezing my ass off. Looking at my clock and seeing the bus is 30 minutes late!! Won't miss the days of wanting to go see my friend on the other side of town and have to take 3 damn buses to get there and 90 minutes later.

Can't say I will miss it. But I will tell you this of the great transit system. Memories. Good and bad, happy and sad. Most of my memories from my teenage years is from taking the bus. Sitting at the terminal with my friends laughing at random things and people. Getting on the bus with all the regulars and "kickin" it. Using the old transfer system by stocking up on transfers then handing them out to your friends like it was drugs and you ran the business. Going to a party on a Saturday night...sleeping over to realise that their bus doesn't run on Sunday's and your ass is stuck way the F out in Chicopee and you need to call upon a friend to come pick you up:)

I really could go on forever...but the bus helped me in many ways. I could really go wherever I wanted (just had to wait for it), but I didn't need my mom. I was growing up! And for that! I thank you Grandriver Transit System...Thanks for the memories!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Peer Pressure

The countdown to 30 is on!! People ask me how I feel, and I really do feel okay with turning 30. I am very strong in knowledge of myself, it has taken me this long to really get to know the real me inside. I have a great bunch of friends I know I can count on. I big family that is crazy but wouldn't change them for the world! I am happy with the life I have lived so far and I am very excited for what is next.

What I am not ready for is to live it all over again. I thought that when I had kids I would have the opportunity to live life again through my child's eyes, with the innocence that I forget from dealing with bills and cleaning all day. But what I failed to remember is that I will have to live the uncomfortable feeling of always being accepted in the "cool" crowd again. This is what I have been dealing with my almost 4 year old...ALREADY! Reese constantly is reminding me that she is "cool" not "cute". I will comment on her hair or her clothes or even something she did as cute, only to be screeched at that I am wrong. She wants to be cool around her friends already! She questions what I pick out for her to wear for fear of looking silly. She doesn't want the other kids to call her baby, and she wants to be friends with everyone.

I am not ready for this. I have finally let go of that heavy weight on my chest of preforming for others and now bounce to my very own groovy tune and love it! Now I get to relive this feeling all over again through my daughters eyes...ugh! Its very difficult when you think about it. No matter how I react to the situation ,I change the way she thinks about things. That is serious pressure! I was prepared when I became pregnant with Reese. I read books on the first year, I kept up with the latest products for development...all that! What I was not prepared for was the responsibility of raising a human being!! Helping her through all her tough times, learning to count by twos and tie her shoes, to roughing it through her first friend fight, to being outcast by mean kids! I am not ready for that. Since she has started school there has been this learning curve that I have been on and I am not sure I am handling it all too well. I feel as though I have to take a step back and really be on her team...yet still the parent.

Ohhhh this parenting thing is harder than I thought. Maybe I should go back to the sleepless nights and tons of diaper changes?? At least I knew I couldn't screw that up!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Would you like to Supersize that??

Tell me if I am wrong....what is wrong with the customer service at stores lately??? Horrible I say!

No one seems to be going out of their way for a customer. Its like we are a burden as soon as we walk in the door. I find that going to stores and restaurants lately, the staff is not willing to dot all the i's and cross the t's just to make you feel a bit special.

I have been trying to locate an added part to my Kitchen Aid Stand Mixer, so I decided to call some stores instead of packing up the kids and looking for the item, just to find they don't have it. So calling I went. The first 2 stores did not even want to figure out what I needed.

Quote from girl fat The Bay, "ohhh that is on the other side of the store....ummm what was the part again??

Me: "the fruit and vegetable strainer"

The Bay Girl: "i have never seen that part here, so no, we don't have it"

WHAAA?? No checking your computer? No saying hey one sec let me run and check? Nothing! I hung up to call other such luck anywhere. I would have waited a half hour on the phone while you looked after other customers, took a while to run to the other side of the store, I am okay with that. What I am not okay with is being an inconvenience when all I want is a product!

Trick up my shopping. Found my item on a Canadian website, ordered it and it will be shipped right to my front door tomorrow. Now how is that for customer service???

**after I re-read the post it seems as though I am entering the old part of aging where I bitch about customer service. I think my next post should be about how music have been flushed down the toilet...who is Soilder Boy anyway???**

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Guilty As Charged???

Guilt...apparently a lot of moms serve themselves up a double helping of this feeling. Lately I have talked to some of my friends and this word keeps popping up.

Guilty for going to work while the kids are dropped off at daycare, guilty for disciplining their kids, guilty for not being a good wife...guilty guilty guilty!

Why are we so hard on ourselves?? Why should we feel guilty to get away from the house on our own for a couple of hours or even a weeks vacation?

I really don't feel guilt when it comes to these situations. If I have been stressed out and feel I need sometime with my girlfriends, I jump at the chance and enjoy every second I have. I feel getting away for some time with myself gives me the extra boost to take care of a melt down or wash up the milk Marli has spilt for the tenth time. Taking those special moments to realize that yes I do have kids, but I am still me, I am still Nicki (er..MushMush). Having the chance to get away with my husband and have our own conversations without breaking up a fight or doing rock, paper, scissors on who is going to change the shitty diaper. I cannot wait for these moments. We had them before kids...why does that have to stop?

I just wish women would be easier on themselves. We work very hard at raising kids, whether we stay-at-home or work full time...we all have lots on our plate. I was flipping through a magazine not long ago and it was a Campbells ad. It listed basically what goes on in a brain of a woman. All the details we think about, all the tasks that we need to accomplish, its really exhausting even thinking about it. We deserve time to do what we like and remember ourselves for that minute or hour or week.

So please moms...stop feeling guilty, we are not bad mothers. Do you beat your children and not feed them or bath them? No, well I hope not or I will be coming to knock on your door. Taking time out for yourself or doing what you think is right for you and your entire family should never make you feel guilty. We are smart women and we do a good job...stop being so hard on yourself!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Like Mama Used To Make

In my case, its more, Like Oma Used To Make. If I can tell you a story about a courageous yet somewhat timid would have to be my Grandma. Coming from Germany to Canada being young as well as having a two young children herself, not speaking a speck of English and dropped into a society all by herself. She managed to survive, learn English and raise her family to what we are today. If all her blood and sweat and most defiantly tears never happened, I would not be here today.

I have been very fortunate to grow up with my Grandma, not too many people get to know their elders in a way I did. From a very young age I have always spent lots of quality time and lots of snuggles with her. I loved going to her house, with the smells of cooking and lots of love. I feel very close with her and I feel a little bit of her old fashioned ways have really stuck with me. I have always loved having people over to entertain and filling their tummy's with good things. Which has led me to this interesting part in my life. I have always wanted to do canning like my Grandma. From pickles to jam, beets to peaches...she did it all. I admired her for working hard over the stove on a hot day...just to make homemade goods for her family. We would literally fight who got the last jar of chili sauce or dill pickles. Cabbage rolls...damn that was another good one. She would make hundreds of these rolls and freeze them, only to be yanked up with visits from her own children and then the grandchildren. Every chance I get I try to make whatever she made. The tastes of my childhood I cannot let slip under the carpet. She has since stopped making her jarred goodies, hence my turn to grab the bull by the horn and do it myself.

This year I have tried to make jam...successful and gave myself 2nd degree burns in the process. Last night I tried my Grandmas pickled beets...again successful, no burns this time. This weekend my mom and I are trying the dill pickles. The girls and I went to the market yesterday and bought bushels of cucumbers and they are sitting in the cold basement ready to be transformed. Reese always asks when we go to the grocery store, "Mom! Mom! can you get some pickles pleeeease?". She is a feen for the green monsters. I always tell her that we are going to make them ourselves...and now we will. I have also gone as far as learning from other families. Last year I learned how to make tomato sauce right from the perfect source. My Italian family! They opened their arms and took me under their wings. Teaching me every step of the way their very own traditions. I also did my sausage with them, cutting up a whole pig and tasting homemade prosciutto. I love the fact that each family has their own traditions and it really is all about family. Everyone pitches in and has a great time in the process. I hope to make more delicious tomato sauce with them again this year.

I had also started a small vegetable garden in pots this year to see if I had a green thumb before I upgraded to a large scale garden. Each day I show Reese the new tomatoes or green peppers growing and I see her appreciation for it seeing food grow. All those times my grandma would sit with me and show me the secrets to her spaghetti sauce or other dishes I would sit intently and listen. Now I see Reese doing the same thing. I want her to grow up and realise she can do anything she wants, whatever her heart tells her. I think about my Grandma when I have finished up some canning and think how I can make her proud and I think I do. I think the thought of someone carrying on her tradition really makes her happy. I also like that I am able to share this with my own daughters...I really wanted daughters. (After TONS of brothers you really don't want to go down that road again)

Thank you Grandma for sharing your love for food to me and the rest of your family. It has truly made me who I am and I am grateful for being able to have had you teach me everything I know. I promise to carry on this tradition and always always think of you in the process.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer Sensations

Last week I saw a commercial on t.v. for the new promo at Swiss Chalet. Summer Sensations! Wow...chicken and fries annnnd ice cream! Chocolate sundaes are my favorite dessert...especially when they are topped with whipped cream and a cherry! So I decided that I would round up the family and we would have a nice dinner out.

Now we don't dine out with the kids that often. I mean we eat out....but its either me and Dave or we just get take out. Marli is young so she doesn't do well in restaurants yet, so we rather just eat it at home. But tonight we decided to dine in since you can only get the ice cream when you do so. This was my first mistake.

Let me break it down for you....

We walk in and its quite wait time, but the dining room is booming. Now I used to be a server, so when I walk into situations like this I have an open mind as well as trying to figure out how I would be if I was working this shift. I tell ya I would have rocked that dining room, but let's move on. The hostess seats us and doesn't bring any cutlery to our table as well does not give Reese something to colour on. Dah well. We don't open our menus as we already know what we are going to order so we wait for the server. She doesn't come for like 15 minutes..literally. By this time Marli is all fired up. Se has this talking thing right now where she screams and grunts at you when she is trying to get your attention. Shit..she is 15 months...this is what she does. I did bring some snacks and juice for her to try and keep her busy. I notice the server jetting around her section and I say to Dave, "Our server is in the WEEEDS!!". Again..I used to be a server and I know far to well when someone is in the weeds. Think about it...someone jetting around in a lost like pattern...sweat on her face and eyes bulging so far out of her head that you think she was lost in the dark. That is the WEEDS. I start analyzing the situation and wonder where the F is her manager and why are they not helping her. After sometime we finally get our order in and wait for our food. The time is slowly passing by and its getting harder to keep the scream box quiet. Here is where it gets interesting...

I notice an old man, about 70 I would say get up and walk our way to go to the bathroom. As he passes our table Marli decides to let our another scream. Now let me say...its not like screaming crying or screaming at the top of her lungs. Its more of a yalp?? Anywho..

Old Stupid Man: "Shut UP!" - and then keeps walking towards the bathroom.

(Marli...confused look on her face as to who the F is this person and why are they all up in my shit!)

Dave AKA The Hulk AKA Uncle Roid AKA The dude about to beat up someones grandpa: "Did he just tell her to shut up????!!!!!!"

Me (scared and noticing all the other tables around us starting to looks at us) "ummm I think he did"

*this is a special note to people that don't know the other side of Dave. Yes he is a kind man, sweet and polite...but there is a switch on the back of Dave's neck...we like to call this switch the DO NOT FUCK WITH MY FAMILY switch*

Me: "Now Dave..settle down...don't get riled up. He's an old man doesn't even know what he is saying" as I am literally restraining him.

The Green Man: "I don't give a shit how old he is...I am going to kick his ASS!"



Then Dave flings my hand off his arm and stomps towards the bathroom. HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT!!! I am about to get arrested and head home in a cop car and they will take away my children. I wait trying to be patiently as I have watching eyes wondering what is transpiring. Then I see Dave return to the table with his switch now turned off.

Me: "What did you do?" cuz I don't see the old man anywhere!

Dave: "He was standing at the urinal and I walked up behind him and asked him if he brought a walker in with him. He said no, and then I said that he better SHUT HIS MOUTH NEXT TIME OR YOU WILL BE LEAVING IN ONE! Then I said that just because he is old doesn't mean he has to be rude"

Me:"Alrighty then"

The old man came out of the washroom and walked past our table to his and never said a peep. I mean I get he was rude and he should have never said that to Marli. She is a baby and we are in Swiss Chalet for peets sake. I don't think she was ruining your expensive dinner. But men and their testosterone just take it over the top. We had to run this by some of our friends and every guy said the same thing. "I would have kicked is ass!"

After all that we finally got our dinner...shoveled it down our throats and went hour and a half later!! WTF Swiss Chalet is suppose to be like an in and out thing...

I guess I will be sticking to our take out and enjoying our meals and screams in the comfort of our own home...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Weight In

Hello Ladies...and maybe for those men that are secretly tracking their success...

Weight: 164 1/2...hey its 1/2 pound!!!

I was wondering who would be in to do a workout/walk at the Aud this week. I was thinking of Wednesday night at like 7pm...would anyone like to join?


Turkey Ragout

Olive Oil
1 lb boneless skinless turkey breast, cut into 2-inch pieces
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 (10oz.) pkg. mushrooms, halved
1 small zucchini, halved and cut into 1/4-inch slices
1 (14.5 oz.) can unsalted diced tomatoes with juice
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp ground pepper
1/2 tsp thyme
1/2 tsp oregano

1. On the stove top, mist a large non-stick pan with olive oil spray and place over medium heat. Add turkey and brown 2 to 3 minutes. Turn turkey pieces and add garlic, mushrooms, zucchini, tomatoes, salt and remaining spices.

2. Saute for 5 minutes. stirring so that the meat is browned and the veggies begin to sizzle. Cover with a lid and low heat to simmer for 10-12 minutes.

Serve with Garlic Bread

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Word According to my Dad

I have had a very interesting relationship with my father pretty much my whole life. I never really understood him and as I am getting older I don't think I ever will, which I have given up trying to.

My parents split up when I was young and I was raised with the typical split family routine. Every second weekend and two weeks in the summer were spent at my father's house. As a child I was frightened of my father. His bigness, his loud voice (which half the time I could never understand him because of his thick Jamaican accent), and mostly his hand which was the size of a bear paw and you didn't want to know what that felt like on your ME!. Every time I was in a situation where there was possible trouble, you know those ones...where you can smell the trouble and instantly have a flash in your head of how your father is going to kill you and no one will ever find your body. I just knew that I needed to get out of that situation because if I was caught...there was going to be some serious discipline going on. My younger brother never seemed to have this fear. He could get beat day in and day out and never learn and still do what he pleased.

My theory is that as my dad has aged he has lost his power. He went from the warden to the guy that sits quietly watching wrestling on t.v. all day. I am no longer fearful of my father. On some good days he is one of the funniest people I know. On other days, he drives me crazy and I wish he would grow up sometimes and let me be the kid and him the parent.

My brother and I have a bag full of jokes we continuously regurgitate. Laughing deep from the belly I don't think these stories will ever get old. Like the day he was trying to tell us about a car he seen on t.v.

Dad: (please think very Jamaican right off the boat) "Ah wha pon di name of dat car?"

Matt: "What car dad?"

Dad: "Me tink its a Mitsufeeshi?"

Mitsufeeshi??? Man that one made me tear right up!

Or the time when he was trying to tell me what is new in the entertainment world. He just watches television all day so he is on the up and up. He tells me a story about Lisa Simpson when what he really meant was Jessica Simpson. Or telling me about a t.v. show he watches called, "Man onna da Mountain". Which is actually King of the Hill. Don't ever tell him he is wrong or you will be up for a marathon of arguing. Stubborn.

He also told me about a story a couple of weeks ago about how he picked up some random chick on the street and drove her around all night and even went to Mickey D's for her. My dad may be old, but he is a pimp! No really he is not, but for all who know me closely you know my dad is a ladies man. I don't know what it is, but these women fall for my dad like he is their very own Justin Timberlake. I have been with my dad at a restaurant where he even tried to pick up some lady right in front of me!

Lady from behind the counter: (who let me explain does not know what she is getting herself into) "Where in Jamaica are your from?"

Rico Suave: "I am from Maypen...why do you ask?"

The Prey: "I just wanted to know where you were from"

Fabio: "Why you like me?? Next time I come here I will come by myself...(wink wink)"

BARF!!!! I would also like to add a side dad is 75. I know I know...he just never knows when to stop.

Sitting down and listening to my father talk is defiantly going to keep you interested and defiantly keep you laughing. Even though there has been some hard times with my dad I am happy that I know him and all the things he has done for me...even if they are small. He in a twisted way with his faults and issues has made me who I am today. I really can't complain about that now can I.

Here is to always looking for the good in people! Cheers!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Weigh In.....

Okay so a little late...but time to update on our weekly weight loss challenge...

Nicki- 165 (same as last week...we only started midway through the week...give me a break!)

Some tips for the week ahead!

If you don't have a gym membership there are many ways to start getting fit. While you are watching t.v. and a commercial comes on...don't just sit there and wait. Turn the channel to a music channel and do jumping jacks for 2 commercial do 2 minutes of commercial do 2 min of jumping jacks again. Sneaking in exercise is a great way when your not in the mood. While cooking dinner, do some standing push ups on the corner of your counter. Or grab a can of tomatoes and do some arm curls. Get creative! Post some of your own sneaky tips for others.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Is it Time Already?

I went to try on bridesmaids dresses again last night and decided to bring Reese with me. She is actually going to be the flower girl in the wedding, so I thought it would be cute to see in her in some dresses.

Who knew she was an instant bride! She put that dress on and then I decided to put a veil on her...she strutted all over that floor and twirled with no care in the world! Yes I did tear up a bit. I remember when she was about a month old, Dave and I had to go to a wedding. I got a babysitter and left the house with breast pump in hand (I actually pumped in my car before dinner). We watched the bride go up the aisle with her dad in hand and I started bawling! Yes I was happy for the couple, but I was thinking that one day that would be Reese and Dave walking down the aisle. Dang...what a sap I have become.

Then when I was watching her last night again...I realised once again that time just flies by and before I know it, she will be that bride. I can't wait to be planning another wedding, as well as Marli's. Fun being a mom to girls...even tho they gots lots of drama.

Footnote to Dave...better start saving might become expensive....haha.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Better Bootays!!! I got like a little more than 2 months till Vegasssss and since I am not going to be a big preggo mess when I am there anymore, its time to tighten some things up!

SO! I want to start a blogging a "Biggest Loser" style of contest. Now this "contest" really has no prize...but you will be soo fine that the stranger walking on the street will have to say to themselves, "Hot DAYUM! That girl is looking HOT!". Let's face it...that is a prize in itself. Plus I am busted and I gots no $100,000 to give you:)

Who's in?? I will post a new exercise and possibly a new recipe each week, and every week when I post the Better Bootays you will have to comment and leave your new weight. I know everyone will know your shit...but really it gives you incentive to do something about it. We are all here for each other, no judgement and some of you I don't even know or for that fact know each other. Even if you do...who cares...we are in this together to help each other and give tips etc. Feed off each others success's and help when your in a downfall. Support!

If you would like to join me on this journey you will need to do the following.

1. Weigh yourself- or get someone else to look for you if you really don't want to see that can be scary me I know!

2. Get a measuring tape and measure your boobies (hehe), hips, and waist.

3. Set a goal for yourself. Now be realistic...its not a race and if you really feel its a stretch to lose 50 pounds or whatever...just set the goal for something attainable. We don't need anyone researching online to buy a tape worm or anything like that. No crazyness here!

Once you have recorded all this information I want you to comment to this post with this template:



Measurements: B- W- H-

(if you don't know what the letters mean, its B-Bust, W-Waist, H-Hips)


Then each...let's say Sunday, I will post a new exercise and recipe as well as my new records. You will do the same but you will leave out the measurements...just the name and weight. At the end of it all you will re-measure yourself and we'll do a big finale.

Do you get it?? Who's in with me?? It will be fun to do it together...and look I will tell you my info first!

Name: Nicki (MushMush)

Weight: 165 (of solid sexiness that I am just making even better;)

Measurments: B- 37 1/2 in (Heyyyyyy) W-33 H-43 (its the bootay)

Goal: to lose about 15 pounds and tighten up my jiggly belly!

Now its your turn:)

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mirror Mirror

Yesterday I woke up and did the usual hum and hah over what I was going to wear for the day. You know it has to be comfortable yet somewhat stylish. I don't want to look like a bag lady or anything. So I pick out some jeans and a grey top. I walk into the bathroom and see myself in the mirror. "DANG GIRL! You look good!" I thought to myself. I turned around and checked out the bootay area. Another good point about turning 30 is that I have come to embrace the bootay (yes its boo-tay...not bootie. Booties are slippers for babies). I mean this bootay has got me to where I am. I am proud of it. Tough to all those boys in grade school that used to mock me because of it. Shame on them! Making me feel uncomfortable to show off my great ASSet. My bootay looked good in dem jeans and I was feelin hot!

Then I went outside, went to the plaza to pick up some things from the dollar store. I walked past a random mirror and, "DANG GIRL! what is up with your bootay??!" I thought to myself. How did it get so big from this morning and who let me out of the house looking like this! Reese needs to learn quick she is on the woman train and needs to holla at her gurl when things like this happen.

So I blame this on the mirrors the builder installed in my home. Yes they make me feel good about myself but its false advertisement! Shit! You can't make a girl feel all good and then when she sees what everyone else sees its just disappointment. I am trying to think back to when I was trying on dresses for my girl Ashley's (and Franco) wedding. I tried on a couple of dresses but settled in on this one hip, no actually ass hugging dress. It looked bangin! My ass was perfect! And now I think those mirrors are trick mirrors too! To make you want to buy the dress they have mirrors that make you look good.

In order for these trick mirrors to work they need to fix people's eyes so that they match what these mirrors make you see. If not then throw them all away!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

No longer the Superhero to my 3 year old

It has daughter has hit her teenage years. She has somehow managed to stay the same size...but morph into a teenager overnight! Amazing! I Know!

She no longer wants anything to do with our family. She's moody when she is "stuck" with us, she sleeps late, she only comes inside to demand something to eat or drink, she is a typical teenager. The culprit...her new friends she has that live behind us. From the second she wakes in the morning, she wants to know if her friends are outside and will not retire for the evening until its dark. You can try to bribe her with ice cream and dice. She is into her friends and loving every second of playtime she has.

I get it, I do. Who would want to hang out with a boring me...and a even more boring 14 month old. But I am a little heart broken. I watch her play all day and giggle and laugh. Her skin is darkening from the sun and she is worn OUT come bed time. She just doesn't need us the way she used to and she is growing up so fast! Starting school in the fall and literally jumping for joy about it. I am happy to see my daughter grow up and experience new things in life. I am excited to see her have memories of all these things I remember as a child. Its just crazy to know how easily they can let go of their parents in lieu of a friend.

I will always be there though when she comes home. There will be a time when they don't get along and I will feel like I won the battle for that day. I will also hold her just a little bit longer when she does want to snuggle. Girls may be "daddy's little girl" but they will always need their mom, especially when she needs the recipe for cabbage rolls when she is older.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Just like the Pros!

I am not sure if you are the same way...but I am addicted to design show on HGTV...its an obsession. I am also all over the decorating mags and looking into what is new...what is hip. I am no professional designer at all! I never went to school, I never worked with someone to get experience, but I still feel I can pull off all these projects. DIY is calling me!

Every time I come home with a new husbands rolls his eyes, kind of like the way my eyes roll when he brings home a remote control bat (that he claims is for Reese...but who is he kidding). He feels that these people are professionals and of course they know what they are doing cuz they have 50 people and numerous contacts to finish their project. I only have me. True...but that does not mean those ideas I have discourage me with my lack of experience. I see must be possible right??

Which brings us to today. I have been creating a "project" in my head for months regarding the area in my kitchen that is a blank wall. It needed something. A place where I can put my laptop, and the kids crafts. So the idea is now coming true. I found a $20 table at a garage sale that I dragged my kids around for an hour when I finally found it...STEAL! I then stained it and made look brand new. I also found a $50 cabinet at Value Village which I am painting white and it will house all the crayons, paint and glue that Reese requires to create her master pieces. Dave doubted me I know he did...but its coming together and even he admits its looks good.

Why can't they just realise we know what we are talking about and just run with it. Like I always tell him, "Do you think I am going to make my house look like crap on purpose??"

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What is Next?

*the Alberta trip story is coming...its just really long and I am still going through it...sorry, but its coming:)*

As I try to put on my mascara on my puffy eyes this morning I am nervous about what I am about to go through. I had been crying most of the night and its left me with a very unattractive puffy and red blotched face. I have to go for another ultrasound this morning to make sure everything that is not suppose to be there isn't. I am scared and I am frustrated. I have been going through emotional hell for the last 3 weeks...constantly reminded every time I take a bathroom break what has happened to my family. I know I tell everyone I am okay...and I am really, it's just this thought of when can I finally move on??

I just want to move on...but I can't, still stuck here wondering what is going on and what is next? I have these dreams of what my child would have looked like...who they would have been and how they were going to fit in our crazy family of meatballs. But its not going to happen and I really don't know if I want to try again for another baby. We took all this time to get use to our "surprise" and when we finally did, there was no more baby. Funny how that happens... It would be great to add to our family, but I don't think I can go down this road again. Again...What is Next?

So wish me luck today...I really don't want to go in for surgery after all of this....and pray for my strength that I can move on and be happy with whatever choice I decide is good for me and my family.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Don't you love it when you have a dream that your husband is cheating on you and you wake up and you are actually mad at him...happened to me the other day...It was sooo REAL! Good Times!

I am in the process of writing a post about our trip to Alberta...stay tuned...should be done tonight..HOLLA!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Question with no Answer

I knew something was up yesterday...didn't feel right and then today happened. Without going into grave details...I lost the baby today.

Very heartbreaking, and after 3 of these does not get any easier. Lots of questions as to why that will never be answered. I think the reason why this one is a bit more harder to take, is that we were not even trying to get was a surprise, and then to get used to the idea of 3 kids just to have it end like this. I can't beat myself up about this, I could analyze every last step over the past 2 weeks, but it won't change anything. The fact of the matter is that it was not meant to be.

As I mourn the loss of this baby, I look at my two daughters and realise that if I never had the past 2 miscarriages, they would not be here. I came home after my ultrasound that confirmed that I was miscarrying the baby, to Reese meeting me at the door. She didn't know what was wrong, but she lead me upstairs and tucked me in and stroked my hair and told me everything will be alright.

I am very blessed with a great family and I love the support from all my friends. We will get through this and all will be okay. What is it they always say, "What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger"???

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Never Knew the Day Would Come....

Never knew the day would come where I...I, Nicki would stand in line at a Best Buy waiting for the store to buy...wait for it...A VIDEO GAME! Yes ladies and gents! That was me this morning.

A bright sunny morning, I rushed the hubby out the door to work, dressed the kiddies and headed out the door for our journey to buy UFC Undisputed. First dice, their delivery did not come in till the! So we had some breakfast at Mickey D's, which I have to mention, going the Mickey D's in Wallymart is crazy at 8:30am! Its like Saturday nights at Rev...but Tuesday morning with Granny and Gramps enjoying a cups of Joe. There is like hundred's of them..and they all know each other, I actually felt out of place with my two kids at Mickey D's...crazy! Back on point...ate some breakfast, grabbed some cheese (on sale $3.97 if your looking for a deal!), and then went to stand in line at Best Buy.

Get to Best Buy and I am first in line!! YESSS!! Score one for Mommy! Playing games with the girls to keep them occupied and notice the long ling gathering behind me. I get a little competitive when stuff like this happens. I mean you won't catch me on Boxing Day lined up at Future Shop with my chair and long johns on, but some things...I just have to be one of the first people in line and get the product I need. I never thought a video game would be this product, but on this day it was. It's my anniversary coming up and I know Hubby is looking forward to this game, he has been talking about it for 3 months! So I wanted to get this as part of his gift.

It's 5 minutes to opening time and I lean over to Reese and quietly say to her in a "we are in the war and I am telling her how we are going to get to the other side while fighting dangerous rebels" voice,

Me: " the store is about to open, when it does I want to you hold onto this stroller tight and RUN! Mommy is going to be going breakin though this door and you gotta hold on! You get broken from the look for Mommy and you RUN! Can you do this? CAN! YOU! DO! THIS?"

Reese/Solider/Video Game Getter Assistant: "Ya Ya Ya!!! (pause for some thinking time) Ummm, but why are we doing this???" she says with a puzzled look on her face

Me (all hyper and probably looking crazy): "You just have to be with me! All these people behind us are going for the same thing..and we gotta get this for Daddy...he will be soo happy! Can you run??"

Reese: "Yes Mommy...LET'S DO THIS!" she says pumping her fists in the air.

And off we went...those doors opened and we rushed through and we got the game! It was a jungle, but we prevailed.

Its now 10:09pm and for the last hour I have been helping Dave pick out a fighter that looks exactly like him. I am talking everything from the scruff on your how big your balls are! Geeze an hour setting up your guy??? Dang....maybe this gift was a mistake...I think nights will be filled with him pushin the buttons on his controller instead of pushin my know the good ones....Happy Anniversary Babe!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Two Become One???

When I was about 8 years old my mom's husband at the time used to wear her Secret deodorant. I know! Crazy! "Strong enough for a Man but made for a Woman"...was truly the case in our house. It was the aerosol can kind...which I could never understand how my mom could use that stuff. It was always soo cold going on and you usually got some deodorant particles in your nose...not cool! But anyways...he would wear it and I never understood guys have their own...why not use your own??

Then I got married and my husband on occasion likes to use my....wait for it, its nasty. My toothbrush!!! If he can't seem to find his own in the drawer, (meaning it didn't jump right out at him when he opens the drawer) he will use mine! This is just not right! I don't have many of my own things, especially with kids! Even going the bathroom is interrupted with the knock on the door requesting yet another snack! I tell him over and over..."Don't use my TOOTHBRUSH!", and he still uses it. There is nothing more nasty then going to brush your teeth, just to find the bristles already wet! So again I ask the question, "Why do guys use your shit when they have their own??"

Does this banter count when I actually use his Mach 3 so shave my pits???? (it shaves soo close though!)

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

13 going on 30

I am having some back and forth feeling about turning 30 this year. I mean once your 30...there is no room for stupid little mistakes, be more know all that jazz. There is a lot you can get away with in your 20' decide on getting a new tattoo or decide to buy that fast sports can get away with that cuz your in your 20's and your trying out all sorts of things to see what works. Well in your 30' better have your shit together! No more excuses. You try getting your hair permed in your 30's just to see what it would look like...and see how many people will question your sanity.

There is also the question as to..."What will I wear in my 30's?". No more showing your midriff (like I showed it anyways in the past 8 one needs to see the road map on my war torn body) more shopping in stores like Stitches or shop there and BAM! your a cougar! I gotta find a balance...this will be tough. I don't want to look like a kid again...but I also don't want to look like a ol'housewife either.

I know one thing for sure...even thoough this adjustment is going to take some time getting used to, I'd much rather turn 30..then have to be 13 again. I had a great childhood...wasn't made fun of too much, but it was always awkward. Guys never liked me growing up. I mean I know I didn't have much to offer than the occasional headband in my dry unruly fro. Or the biggest chunkiest glasses known to man...but I was funny and cute...guess it didn't matter. I was always the 3rd wheel...crushing on guys that just talked to me to get to my friend. That's some awkward shit! I won't miss wishing someone would want to be my boyfriend or wondering what the girls thought of my new hairstyle (which when I rocked the braids with the beads....everyone wished they had my hair!!!). Being a teenager is tough! I witnessed this the other day when the Hubby and I went to the moovies. We watched as all these teenyboppers grouped least one of them you could see was uncomfortable as the others tried to push a crush on them. Who are they going to sit beside and who they needed to impress. It was exhausting watching them! I defiantly won't miss those days.

As I approach my 30's I feel soo much more comfortable in my own skin. I have a husband that doesn't mind my dry unruly fro in the morning...or my chunky geeky glasses. All my stretch marks and all the gigglies..I'm okay with them...I really am. And I can get away with all these things...cuz I am need to impress my friends or boys. I can just be me and people will love me or hate me and I know my life won't be over in doing so.

So to my year of turning 30...I raise a non-alcoholic (BOO!) glass of champagne to you.....Very excited and ready to face what ever you have next for me....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Space Cadet

Attention passengers...we are making our decent to our final destination...Earth. Please return to your seats and fasten your seat belts. It may be a bumpy ride. Current temperature is iffy, if this is your dwelling, than welcome home, if not have a great time visiting. Thank you for riding Crazy Whoremone Airlines...we hope you choose us again in the future when you want to go somewhere crazy!

(W)Hormone: Dictionary Definition-

1.Biochemistry. any of various internally secreted compounds, as insulin or thyroxine, formed in endocrine glands, that affect the functions of specifically receptive organs or tissues when transported to them by the body fluids.
2.Pharmacology. a synthetic substance used in medicine to act like such a compound when introduced into the body.
3.Botany. Also called phytohormone. any of various plant compounds, as auxin or gibberellin, that control growth and differentiation of plant tissue.

(W)Hormone: MushMush Definition-

-to go crazy
-"why is mommy in the corner rocking herself in a fetal position and humming a nursery rhyme to herself?"
-instant rage and at the same time...instant crying

Lately I have been what my husband likes to call me...A Space Cadet! I can literally feel that I cannot control my feelings or my body. Its like I am on the outside watching someone move my body around and function in a very un-ordinary way. My whoremones are on full time and I feel sorry for the outsiders that have to witness this.

On Saturday I spent my whole morning walking around like a zombie. I told the husband that I was going to lock myself in my room and stare at the ceiling, so no one was to bother me. After I did that I sat...yes sat in the shower for about 45 min with the shower on and stared at the window glass doors. Now that shit calls for some serious therapy!!! That is some messed up stuff! Wait it gets better!!! Then I had to get ready for a bridal shower that was about 40 minutes away from where I live. I got dressed, which took sometime to figure out what I should wear...settled on a very nice green dress, some strappy sandals and pulled back my hair. Got my daughter dressed as she was coming with me, in a cute pink dress and white sandals. Things were looking up! The weather was nice out and I really should not waste my day wallowing in what I think is sorrow.

We get in the car and start out on our journey. The little muffin falls asleep 5 minutes into the drive which is perfect! Peace and quiet. We get to our destination all the way out in the boonies and there is barely any cars there. I am 30 minutes late and wonder if I am in the wrong spot. I leave muffin in the car and go to the front door. A man appeared and looked at me strangely...yes I know its weird to see a coloured person wayyyy out here in the good ol town of Waterdown, but really. Apparently the shower is NEXT Saturday!!!! He must have thought, "Black people aren't late, what are people talking about...Caribbean Time..huh...they are actually really early!!!".

How could I have screwed this up??? What is wrong with my brain!!! Why can I not control this??? So back in the car and back home. All dressed up and nowhere to go! Muffin slept the whole way there and the whole way home. We got back home and she woke up to see the gift still in the front seat. Then I had to manage a mini-meltdown as she was ready to party and didn't understand that her mother is a dolt and mixed up the dates.

I hope this doesn't last my whole pregnancy...really I don't think I could handle it. Pray for me...well maybe you should pray for my sidekicks....they are really the ones who are going to suffer...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Spring Chicken?

Just recently I bumped into a guy that looked familiar to me at the gym.

Him: "You look really familiar...Where do I know you from?

Me: "I think we went to College together...yaya that's right we were in 'Dealing with Difficult People' "

Him: "Ahh Yes! That's right...that was a while ago eh?

Me: "Well over 10 years I guess...but who's counting?"

DumbAss: "Ya you do look more mature in your face" (Let me mention he was totally pause and then laugh. Straight up serious!)

STOP......HOL UP!!!!! "MATURE IN YOUR FACE" ???????? W.T.F !!!!!

It was like I was hit in the stomach! I could not believe this jack ass actually said that. Are guys not taught from a young age to never discuss the following with women: age and weight?? Helllooo, who says shit like that?

I held my breath and continued on my marry way and finished my workout. I had to get some ego boosting from my fellow workout buddies that I occasionally workout with to make sure I still look good. The very smart buddies agreed and I let it go.

Until last night. Here is the following conversation I had with my husband....

Me: "Oh NO!" as I looked in the bathroom mirror

Hubby: "What's wrong?"

Me: "I have a WRINKLE! I have a a a laugh line!!!!"

Hubby: "No.....let me see" as he joined me in the bathroom so I could show him.

Me: "Look! Right there! Do you see that line by my lips???? Look!"

Hubby: "That's not a wrinkle" he says brushing me off.

Me: "Yaya its is! LOOOK!"

DumbAss: "If that is a wrinkle then look you have another on on your forehead....look right there" he said as he pointed out yet another wrinkle.

Again...hellooo has someone not taught him this cardinal rule either??? I was fired up. Not only had I discovered I had a laugh husband so nicely pointed out I have another one on my forehead.

Crap Crap Crap.....I thought I would be okay with this whole aging thing and becoming 30...but I am not so sure. What's next? Grey hair? My kids growing up so quickly to tell me that I am no longer cool when I say..."W.T.F".

Who else is going through this as well? I am beginning to feel as my youth is being sucked out of me quickly! Need to slow it down somehow without the help of surgical methods. Any tips? What are your stay young methods?

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Setting The Mood:
On a television spot two people are sitting down to enjoy a dinner of fresh Olivieri pasta together. The sexual tension is obvious with the buffalo eyes this man and woman are giving each other. The woman leans in to feed her lover some delicious pasta but drops it on his shirt. He now feels he should take off his shirt and throw it in the wash. He returns to feed his lover a fork full, but also drops it on her shirt. Again she starts to undress. The whole commercial this happens until the woman is down to an undershirt and her underwear and he is shirtless just waiting what is next....and the woman drops the entire bowl of pasta onto his pants...hence the pants now will have to come off.

Enter my very smart and funny daughter Reese:

"Look Mom!! Look! They are getting naked!" she says with a dirty laugh, then with a confused look, "Why are they getting naked?"

Reese, you make me laugh each and everyday. You are full of energy and are non-stop. Yes you exhaust me, and the fact that I answer everyone of your "whys" is beyond the patience I thought I had. You really help me get through my day. Tho Marli is teething right now and is not the best person you want to hang out with, when I look at you and hear your insights for the day...I know I will make it through till the next. You are now 3 1/2, but your wit and your thoughts are so grown up. I feel like you are one of my girlfriends and I could talk to you all day long.

We were watching a show about people giving birth. You watched intently as this woman was screaming in pain and actually pushed her baby out. You said to me, "Why is there blood? Why is the baby crying? The baby looks like Marli doesn't she?". I hope that I live to the day when you give birth to your own child, I will sit with you and support you and tell you all about the funny things you have said to me to help you get through your pain. Like when I was breastfeeding Marli when she was born, you told me,"Mom, you have BIG nipples! I love your big NIPPLES!". Then you proceeded the bash them about like they were basketballs and you were trying out for the NBA Allstars game...thanks for that by the way.

You make me so proud to be your mommy. I sat and watched you organize all your crayons this afternoon in colour coded lines. You sang The Itsy Bitsy Spider while you were doing it, and you reminded me of what its like to be a child. I remember myself playing with my toys and not having a care in the world and singing my heart out to some rhyme or another. Never lose yourself, you have been the same person since I gave birth to you. You always take your time with things so that they are done to your standards. Never let anyone rush you (including your Father...give him sometime on that...he will learn one day to really listen to you, he does try but he's a man). You are funny and you are compassionate and you always look our for your family.

Thank you for being you and thank you for saving me on days when I think I am going to lose it!

Love Mommy

Saturday, April 11, 2009

5 Weeks!

Let the frequent bathroom breaks, insomnia, embarrassing uncontrollable flatulence, screaming whoremones, falling asleep while eating....BEGIN! Yes kids....I am expecting my third child. Holy Shit Balls!!!!

I have to mention the fact that this is a very shocking surprise....I would suggest to anyone not wanting to be in my situation right now, to never buy Trojan "Thin" Condoms...but the thickest kind you can find. Like steal thick! Heck just don't have sex...or you will get what I am having right now. Anxiety, cold sweats, panicking. Holy Shit Balls! I will have a soon 4 year old, an 18 month old and a brand new baby come Christmas 2009. WOW!

Yes this is a surprise, but I have had some time for this all to sink in, and I think all will be okay. I mean we make some cute kids right? I have had 2 miscarriages in my time, and I understand that these things just have a way of happening when they are suppose to and I will embrace the challenge set forth for me. But I am still freaking out inside...I fear I will be stuck in the house all winter alone and climbing up the walls trying to hide from my crazy children. Please come and knock on my door if you haven't heard from me in like a day...Okay?

But in all honestly...I need you all to pray for me, the next 8 weeks are going to be dicey. Fingers crossed....Holy Shit Balls!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lifting the Wool Out of My Eyes!

Has anyone been reading the new novel by Steve Harvey, "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man"? Great book! Very enlightening about the mind of a male. I think the general audience is single ladies (insert Beyonce tune here)....but it does help with attached ladies as well. I am learning so much about the mind of my husband, but if I really think about it, I already knew all this stuff. I just never actually believed it was true. You have to pick it up and read it, it gives you a kind of calm really. Let's you know that you are not totally out of your mind when you ask your husband to pick up some milk on the way home from work, and he shows up with sour cream! Serenity NOW!

But honestly read it to get deep into the mind of the male species...I guarantee you will come out feeling like you have a lot less ulcers.

I also watched Oprah yesterday...damn you Oprah! But I realised more things about myself. I am a bad wife...I am! I will admit it. They were talking about all these marriages that are suffering in this recession and the divorces that are happening as a result of people giving up on their marriages. I don't think I am a very supportive wife, I watched this woman say that she was leaving her husband because he cannot provide for his family. Would I be stronger and be able to hold up my husband if he lost his job tomorrow? I don't know, and for that I am a bad wife. I vow today that I need to stand by my husband no matter how crazy he is or any concoction he has come up with! I love this man and I did marry him, "For Better or Worse!".

I am using the knowledge of the recent book I have been reading and the knowledge that its up to us to set an example for our children and to always be together no matter what. I mean how horrible would that be to lose your job and turn to your wife for support for her to say, "ummm, Peace Out!".

I will be a better wife...I will be a better wife! Someone tell me that when I come home one night after my husband has put the kids to bed and my child is sleeping in the same clothes that she had worn all day. He did offer to put the kids to bed right????

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Babies R Us

My "sister-in-law" (not married to my brother...but she is my sista!) is expecting in September and she is registering for the first time. Is there anyone out there registering for the first time? Well its a task and a half! Yes you get to shop all you want and never have to stand in line for the cash register...but its a lot of work I tell ya!
What they need to do is have wheelchair for the mother-to-be and let her wheel around that store and click and beep to her hearts content! There is soooo much stuff out there! I have two children...registered for the first but not the second, so its been like 3 years since I have seen some new things for babies.
I am going to pick one new item and "review" it for ya...I'll have to look through her 11 PAGES of registered stuff and pick something that I think is neat. That's lots, but the girl really needs just about everything...but it is a big list...isn't it???
We registered at the one here in Kitchener and the staff was helpful and there was a ton of stuff in the store...good choices. Just make sure you prepare yourself for about an hour or more. Wear comfortable shoes and no jacket, it gets way too hot. You can always go online and do some of the registering then that leaves you with less work to do in the store.

So check back for my first review...its going to be a regular thing on my blog.

Wow Wow Wubbzy!!!

This is my very first post! Now let me tell you...I am not good at spelling...I am not good at writing and speaking English as I should. I am not a professional. But what I am is a girl who is going to give it her best shot! Try something new! Not being afraid! So just be easy on me...okay?

I am a soon to be 30 something living life here in Canada with my two girls ages 3 and 1 with my husband and our crazy miniature wiener dog. We are a crazy family of Meatballs...lumpy, messy, full of flavor, and most importantly...always rolling off the table!

For my blog I want to talk about personal know let it all out there. Try things and let you know how it it from the source. I also want to learn from other people. I am a stay-at-home mom and I feel that it really does take a village to raise kids. I need feedback when I am going through a tough bout of sleep training...or someone to tell me I am normal when I feel my 3 year old is setting me up sometimes. (I swear she should work for the FBI or something...tricky one I tell ya).

So here it goes! The good..the bad...I am ready for it all!!! No fear...No fear..eek!