Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Great Mashed Potato Debate

So...your thinking...mashed potatoes...ugh they take sooo long to cook! Maybe I should just try instant?? Well, I put this question to the a not-on-purpose kind of way. Get ready for a great story! My family will be telling this one to my grandkids.

Reese has this event at her school called "Turkey Lunch". They have it every year, where the entire school gathers in the gym and enjoys a nice hot turkey lunch. All the kids wear green and red for the season, sing carols and just have a ball with all their friends and teachers.

When they asked for volunteers I was up for the challenge. I wanted to take part in something at her school and thought this was a great idea. They needed helpers for set-up, the day of help, cooking mashed potatoes, and clean-up afterwards. I signed up for the whole canoodle! The more helpers, the quicker it goes right?

Well, last week was crazy! I mean holy shit balls crazy. I had Reese's birthday party on Saturday morning, a family Christmas dinner Saturday night, and Disney Princess's on Ice on Sunday. Plus I had volunteered to help out on Wednesday and Thursday for this turkey lunch.

Wednesday set-up was great! Went quick and effortless and I was on my marry way. Thursday was another story. Do you ever have those days when you are running around like your a crack whore running from your pimp, that you feel like you are going to throw up? That was Thursday. I had to be at the school for 11am for the lunch to start at 11:30. Before this time I still had to wake my ass up, cook the potatoes, go to the market to pick up meat for Saturday's birthday party, pick up wood for the fence cuz my loving husband thought that one more thing on my list was not a problem, and get back home to drop Miss Marli off to be watched by my fairy god friend...Ashley:)

I woke up at 7am and cooked the potatoes but did not have time to mash them as Reese had to be at school for 9am. No problem, I will mash that shit when I get back home after my running around. Riiiiight! I zoom home, pull in the driveway...time 10:45am...rush into the house and start to mash the potatoes. They are wallpaper glue...straight up wallpaper glue!!! WTH!!!! I think to myself, "Holy shit! I will be that mother at the Turkey Lunch with mashed potatoes in my hair, not wearing green and red, and no mashed potatoes!". Cue the instant mashed potatoes! Book it over to the corner store...clear out their supply of instant mashed potatoes...12 boxes, (that is going to be a bitch on Christmas, they might want to put another order in pronto!) get home to cook the fastest mashed potatoes man has ever seen!

Ashley and I should have a reality show contract signed, sealed, and delivered to viewers all over the world. You want suspense, comedy and fear?? It was all here on December 17, 11:10am. We cooked that mess up and it was alright. The taste is a bit cardbordy...but you know what! it will have to do when your in a bind or glue...literally. I got to the school just in time as food was being served and no one even knew the difference. Well except that all the other mothers nicely smoothed out their potatoes and mine looked like squirrels had gone on a acorn hunt!...dah well!

Lesson here my friends! Never cook potatoes, drain the water, let them cool and then decide to mash them up. Martha would not be impressed...not at all.


Anonymous said...

I will for the rest of my life, pass by instant mashed potatoes in the store and give a respectful nod. One may think they do not have nutritional value, taste or even a purpose....and they would be apsolutley right however, after this experience I respect more than any of those points the word "instant" because DAMN those potatoes cooked FAST!!!

Love you girl,

Your Fairy God Friend

shubby said...

I love this stuff!!! I am on the same page with you 'bout 'INSTANT'! lol