Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2 Second Rule.....

Today was a great day! The sun was shining and I had decided while I was still laying in bed that I was going to ditch the gym this morning and just have a laid back day with the girls. No school, no commitments, just whatever and wherever the wind would blow us.

It always amazes me that as long as Reese has been on this planet...4 and a bit years...and all the days I have prepared her breakfast, she still seems to think she needs to remind me to make her meal as soon as she wakes up. I can't even wipe the crusties out of my eyes without her screaming at me that its breakfast time and that I should not forget about it. I tell her all the time, "Reese...mommy knows its breakfast time and trust me, you will not starve today!". So breakfast it was, cleaned that up and got the girls dressed and we headed outside.

We played all morning on the front lawn. The girls are getting to a great age to play together. I think Reese is finally glad that she can play with her baby sister. We told her the moment we were pregnant with Marli that she was getting someone to play finally after 2 years...she can. They pushed each other around on scooters and push toys. Played ball, and with chalk...great morning! I had needed dish soap so I decided that we would take a hike over to the corner store to get some and maybe add in a little treat. Left the stroller at home because, well, Marli is a big girl...she can walk...or so I thought! Reese took her scooter and ditched it as soon as we rounded the corner of our street. Marli screamed at me every two seconds to pick her up, and I had to drag a scooter along with me...all the way to the store. A gazillion light years later we finally reach the it of candy and apple juice and jet back on our journey home. Get half way home only to realise I forgot the damn dish soap...FRIG ME! Not going back...decided, I will borrow some from my lovely neighbour. I turn around to tell Marli to keep up with us only to notice she is hacking on one of her candies...Swedish Berries to be exact. I run over to her when the berry comes flying out of her mouth onto the ground.

Me: "Yucky now can't eat that candy...let's go"
(let me just say it was her very last one she had shot onto the ground)

Marli: "Nooooooo!!" she whacked my hand away as I was trying to pick it up...swooped in and picked up the candy and put it right back into her mouth.

Marli: "Mmmmm...gooood!"

Ah shit....what can I do?? Not a damn thang! Two second rule right???

1 comment:

mamabug said...

ah i love reading your blogs. reread all of them today. LOL