Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2 Second Rule.....

Today was a great day! The sun was shining and I had decided while I was still laying in bed that I was going to ditch the gym this morning and just have a laid back day with the girls. No school, no commitments, just whatever and wherever the wind would blow us.

It always amazes me that as long as Reese has been on this planet...4 and a bit years...and all the days I have prepared her breakfast, she still seems to think she needs to remind me to make her meal as soon as she wakes up. I can't even wipe the crusties out of my eyes without her screaming at me that its breakfast time and that I should not forget about it. I tell her all the time, "Reese...mommy knows its breakfast time and trust me, you will not starve today!". So breakfast it was, cleaned that up and got the girls dressed and we headed outside.

We played all morning on the front lawn. The girls are getting to a great age to play together. I think Reese is finally glad that she can play with her baby sister. We told her the moment we were pregnant with Marli that she was getting someone to play finally after 2 years...she can. They pushed each other around on scooters and push toys. Played ball, and with chalk...great morning! I had needed dish soap so I decided that we would take a hike over to the corner store to get some and maybe add in a little treat. Left the stroller at home because, well, Marli is a big girl...she can walk...or so I thought! Reese took her scooter and ditched it as soon as we rounded the corner of our street. Marli screamed at me every two seconds to pick her up, and I had to drag a scooter along with me...all the way to the store. A gazillion light years later we finally reach the it of candy and apple juice and jet back on our journey home. Get half way home only to realise I forgot the damn dish soap...FRIG ME! Not going back...decided, I will borrow some from my lovely neighbour. I turn around to tell Marli to keep up with us only to notice she is hacking on one of her candies...Swedish Berries to be exact. I run over to her when the berry comes flying out of her mouth onto the ground.

Me: "Yucky now can't eat that candy...let's go"
(let me just say it was her very last one she had shot onto the ground)

Marli: "Nooooooo!!" she whacked my hand away as I was trying to pick it up...swooped in and picked up the candy and put it right back into her mouth.

Marli: "Mmmmm...gooood!"

Ah shit....what can I do?? Not a damn thang! Two second rule right???

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Love the Skin You're in!!! the time when you feel like there is no time to turn the clock back! The damage is done! I have bowed down and am trying Oil of Olay.

I feel like the wrinkles that are starting are just going to keep getting wider and longer. The dark circles under my eyes are just going to get deeper and the dark depths of the ocean. So I turn to products!! In my younger days...I looked at these products as things "old people" use. Well now...I am that "old person".

My get young again squad...which compiled of myself, Reese and Marli went on a mission to Wallmart to get my collection of secret potions to get my face back to the younger years. I was feenin for this crap! I was reading labels and directions...urning for things that said, "firmer, smoother, lightening!". I do look in the mirror these days and see another person. I see a woman that is more confident, more sure of why I am here on earth, more accepting of all the curves God has given me. But I also see things that I never knew would happen to me. I thought I would be 25 forever! This is not the case.

I will age in a way that is like no other. I am okay with that. These products I have bought to make me feel younger is just that. There is nothing wrong with wanting to feel your vibrant self. Wanting others to know you are taking this next step in your life with acceptance and vulnerability.

If a small bottle of eye serum makes me walk out of my front door with my shoulders back and my head held high...well...I will dot that cream on ever so delicately and face the world with a smile from ear to ear.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Great Mashed Potato Debate

So...your thinking...mashed potatoes...ugh they take sooo long to cook! Maybe I should just try instant?? Well, I put this question to the a not-on-purpose kind of way. Get ready for a great story! My family will be telling this one to my grandkids.

Reese has this event at her school called "Turkey Lunch". They have it every year, where the entire school gathers in the gym and enjoys a nice hot turkey lunch. All the kids wear green and red for the season, sing carols and just have a ball with all their friends and teachers.

When they asked for volunteers I was up for the challenge. I wanted to take part in something at her school and thought this was a great idea. They needed helpers for set-up, the day of help, cooking mashed potatoes, and clean-up afterwards. I signed up for the whole canoodle! The more helpers, the quicker it goes right?

Well, last week was crazy! I mean holy shit balls crazy. I had Reese's birthday party on Saturday morning, a family Christmas dinner Saturday night, and Disney Princess's on Ice on Sunday. Plus I had volunteered to help out on Wednesday and Thursday for this turkey lunch.

Wednesday set-up was great! Went quick and effortless and I was on my marry way. Thursday was another story. Do you ever have those days when you are running around like your a crack whore running from your pimp, that you feel like you are going to throw up? That was Thursday. I had to be at the school for 11am for the lunch to start at 11:30. Before this time I still had to wake my ass up, cook the potatoes, go to the market to pick up meat for Saturday's birthday party, pick up wood for the fence cuz my loving husband thought that one more thing on my list was not a problem, and get back home to drop Miss Marli off to be watched by my fairy god friend...Ashley:)

I woke up at 7am and cooked the potatoes but did not have time to mash them as Reese had to be at school for 9am. No problem, I will mash that shit when I get back home after my running around. Riiiiight! I zoom home, pull in the driveway...time 10:45am...rush into the house and start to mash the potatoes. They are wallpaper glue...straight up wallpaper glue!!! WTH!!!! I think to myself, "Holy shit! I will be that mother at the Turkey Lunch with mashed potatoes in my hair, not wearing green and red, and no mashed potatoes!". Cue the instant mashed potatoes! Book it over to the corner store...clear out their supply of instant mashed potatoes...12 boxes, (that is going to be a bitch on Christmas, they might want to put another order in pronto!) get home to cook the fastest mashed potatoes man has ever seen!

Ashley and I should have a reality show contract signed, sealed, and delivered to viewers all over the world. You want suspense, comedy and fear?? It was all here on December 17, 11:10am. We cooked that mess up and it was alright. The taste is a bit cardbordy...but you know what! it will have to do when your in a bind or glue...literally. I got to the school just in time as food was being served and no one even knew the difference. Well except that all the other mothers nicely smoothed out their potatoes and mine looked like squirrels had gone on a acorn hunt!...dah well!

Lesson here my friends! Never cook potatoes, drain the water, let them cool and then decide to mash them up. Martha would not be impressed...not at all.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I Swear when I have children....

I was watching Julie/Julia the movie and there was a part where her mother was questioning why she was doing this blog thing...I thought to myself, "Why are mothers always on their daughters ass?" They are a woman...we are women...WTF!

I have a great mom...worked her ass off for her children as a single mom and I think we all turned out pretty darn well. But that doesn't mean that there are times when my mother is on my ass! Questioning my every moment...what I did during the day...why I decided to have my kids on a schedule or even breastfeed. Shit...when I told my mom I was using a midwife she nearly hit the floor. I always have to explain myself to my mother, why I feel passionate about something or that I know I am doing a good job whether she thinks so or not.

Why do mothers do this to their children? Do they not remember what is felt like to have your own mother hound on you every second of the day? I like support, but what I don't like is the questioning. I am 30....30!...I think I am doing well for myself and I am pretty damn smart. I mean she was the one who instilled these qualities in me. Should she not be standing up on the mountains and shouting, "I did that!!!". What an accomplishment for her. But no..mothers like mine always have to question your every move.

I really do wish that when my girls are older that I am on their side. No matter how crazy their ideas are, that I am really with them. Ideas are just ideas. You have this life to try all the ideas you want. We are given this gift of life, why waste it just one one idea? If one fails, move on to the next. My husband is the best person to know about these ideas. I always have a new one, wanting to try this or that. He always stands by me, no matter how crazy they are. If I fail..oh well, on to the next! I want to be this supportive mother for my daughters.

My mother really means well. I guess as a mother you don't want your child to fail. You have lived your own life and know what mistakes you have made or mistakes that others have made and I guess you want to derail your child from these heartbreaks. I don't think of it as heartbreaks, I think of it as lessons. Please if you know me when my children are teenagers and I want to break their necks, that you tell me to remember these lessons. I wish for my girls to want to try everything...dig in deep with their heels...and not worry if they fail. What better than to be at the end of your life and know you tried everything and failed than to never had tried anything and be bored.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Shop till you.....

Drop right??

False. Why is it whenever you have the chance to go shopping solo, it always turns into this rush/panic as to what is going on at home?

I take my girls anywhere. Really, I am not afraid of slugging it out with the rest of the stroller crazy moms at the mall or hittin the local festival sans a husband with two crazy kids. I will do it. Groceries every week, the market on Thursday's, some crazy ass kids I mentioned, I do it. But I do enjoy the time on a Saturday when I can bust out of the house early in the morning to get some shit done.

I enjoy getting dolled up, which mean actually showering and doing my makeup. I get dressed up, again which means not wearing jogging pants and a tank top...braless. So yes, jeans and a nice shirt without any stains...hopefully. I like to get a Starbucks and hit the stores that I really would rather do alone. I am all good to go and ready to pull a Q-B sneak on the hubby just to see that face, "When are you going to be back...and are you really going to leave me with these kids...I really have work to do" look. WTF!!!

Then I get out of the house only to be gone about an hour to get a phone call as to when I will return and "save the day!". Really? Is this rrreally happening?? I would love to have a couple of hours where I can get my shit done without feeling rushed and have to get back home because the house is burning and I am the only one that can fix it!

I went out this weekend to get some Christmas shopping done just to get that type of phone call. Now my husband is very capable of changing a diaper, feeding the children (fish crackers and pickles of course), and making sure the kids are doing something productive (taking all the wipes out of the package and throwing them everywhere in an art like fashion). He is a great father, helps me out more than most men. But I get a phone call in the middle of doing stuff just to hear Reese screaming and Dave not understanding what is going on and how to fix it and asking when I will be home. I don't need to hear this!!! I don't care if I told you I would be home at 1pm and its now 2pm and I am still not home. Just deal with it!!

Mayyyyybe if he would stop trying to be a 4 year old's best friend....he would gain some respect?? Mayyybe???

Monday, November 30, 2009

30 and Feeling Great!!!

Last Thursday I went to the gym for a work out and decided I'd take the treadmill as my first some a mag. I logged all my info in and for the first time I had to enter 30 under the age category. 30....really??

Right then and there I felt this new feeling. Like its my responsibility to be a little more mature. Take care of myself. I have read magazines in the past where they tell you how to take care of your body at 20, 30, and 40's. I could keep myself in the 20's category...since I was in my twenties. I could take my time about washing my face, moisturizing...I had time on my side...right? Now that I have turned 30, I feel like I have no time left. This is where it all starts going downhill. I need to moisturize or lines will set in. I need to start eating right because weight won't come off as easily. All this pressure hits you like a ton of bricks when you turn 30.

But I do feel great! I have more security than in my 20's. I have great friends who I love and would do anything for me. My family is healthy and happy. What more could I ask for? Well maybe a tighter ass and that those dark circles under my eyes don't get worse with time.

Here is to being 30 and experiencing the next great things that are set forth for me:)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Speed Demon

Yes I got a speeding ticket...FIRST ONE!!!!!

I always thought if I ever got pulled over by a cop, that I would break down and start crying and shaking. But that was not the case on Saturday night. I knew I was speeding and the last second when I noticed the man in blue, I knew it was too late and the lights had already come on. I just pulled over calmly and answered all his questions firmly. He knocked down my speeding from 28 over to 15 points and only $52. He then thought it would be funny to ask me what my "MushMush" licence plates stood for. Hey, here is a funny story, how about you just rip up my ticket! Well I guess we can add this to the things that happened to me before I turned 30....Hopefully this is not a appetizer for what comes after 30.