Monday, November 30, 2009

30 and Feeling Great!!!

Last Thursday I went to the gym for a work out and decided I'd take the treadmill as my first some a mag. I logged all my info in and for the first time I had to enter 30 under the age category. 30....really??

Right then and there I felt this new feeling. Like its my responsibility to be a little more mature. Take care of myself. I have read magazines in the past where they tell you how to take care of your body at 20, 30, and 40's. I could keep myself in the 20's category...since I was in my twenties. I could take my time about washing my face, moisturizing...I had time on my side...right? Now that I have turned 30, I feel like I have no time left. This is where it all starts going downhill. I need to moisturize or lines will set in. I need to start eating right because weight won't come off as easily. All this pressure hits you like a ton of bricks when you turn 30.

But I do feel great! I have more security than in my 20's. I have great friends who I love and would do anything for me. My family is healthy and happy. What more could I ask for? Well maybe a tighter ass and that those dark circles under my eyes don't get worse with time.

Here is to being 30 and experiencing the next great things that are set forth for me:)

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