Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Guilty As Charged???

Guilt...apparently a lot of moms serve themselves up a double helping of this feeling. Lately I have talked to some of my friends and this word keeps popping up.

Guilty for going to work while the kids are dropped off at daycare, guilty for disciplining their kids, guilty for not being a good wife...guilty guilty guilty!

Why are we so hard on ourselves?? Why should we feel guilty to get away from the house on our own for a couple of hours or even a weeks vacation?

I really don't feel guilt when it comes to these situations. If I have been stressed out and feel I need sometime with my girlfriends, I jump at the chance and enjoy every second I have. I feel getting away for some time with myself gives me the extra boost to take care of a melt down or wash up the milk Marli has spilt for the tenth time. Taking those special moments to realize that yes I do have kids, but I am still me, I am still Nicki (er..MushMush). Having the chance to get away with my husband and have our own conversations without breaking up a fight or doing rock, paper, scissors on who is going to change the shitty diaper. I cannot wait for these moments. We had them before kids...why does that have to stop?

I just wish women would be easier on themselves. We work very hard at raising kids, whether we stay-at-home or work full time...we all have lots on our plate. I was flipping through a magazine not long ago and it was a Campbells ad. It listed basically what goes on in a brain of a woman. All the details we think about, all the tasks that we need to accomplish, its really exhausting even thinking about it. We deserve time to do what we like and remember ourselves for that minute or hour or week.

So please moms...stop feeling guilty, we are not bad mothers. Do you beat your children and not feed them or bath them? No, well I hope not or I will be coming to knock on your door. Taking time out for yourself or doing what you think is right for you and your entire family should never make you feel guilty. We are smart women and we do a good job...stop being so hard on yourself!

1 comment:

Kareen said...

well said!