Friday, June 26, 2009

Is it Time Already?

I went to try on bridesmaids dresses again last night and decided to bring Reese with me. She is actually going to be the flower girl in the wedding, so I thought it would be cute to see in her in some dresses.

Who knew she was an instant bride! She put that dress on and then I decided to put a veil on her...she strutted all over that floor and twirled with no care in the world! Yes I did tear up a bit. I remember when she was about a month old, Dave and I had to go to a wedding. I got a babysitter and left the house with breast pump in hand (I actually pumped in my car before dinner). We watched the bride go up the aisle with her dad in hand and I started bawling! Yes I was happy for the couple, but I was thinking that one day that would be Reese and Dave walking down the aisle. Dang...what a sap I have become.

Then when I was watching her last night again...I realised once again that time just flies by and before I know it, she will be that bride. I can't wait to be planning another wedding, as well as Marli's. Fun being a mom to girls...even tho they gots lots of drama.

Footnote to Dave...better start saving might become expensive....haha.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol...good thing we only have 2:)
