Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Weigh In.....

Okay so a little late...but time to update on our weekly weight loss challenge...

Nicki- 165 (same as last week...we only started midway through the week...give me a break!)

Some tips for the week ahead!

If you don't have a gym membership there are many ways to start getting fit. While you are watching t.v. and a commercial comes on...don't just sit there and wait. Turn the channel to a music channel and do jumping jacks for 2 min...next commercial do 2 minutes of crunches...next commercial do 2 min of jumping jacks again. Sneaking in exercise is a great way when your not in the mood. While cooking dinner, do some standing push ups on the corner of your counter. Or grab a can of tomatoes and do some arm curls. Get creative! Post some of your own sneaky tips for others.


mamabug said...

one of my "downfalls" is snacking while making dinner....trick chew gum while preparing meals gets rid of that.....

Anonymous said...

I am up 2 lbs (we went to Mandarin on the weekend and I can not help myself at a buffet)
Helen...doing butt flexs as I type ;)