Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Babies R Us

My "sister-in-law" (not married to my brother...but she is my sista!) is expecting in September and she is registering for the first time. Is there anyone out there registering for the first time? Well its a task and a half! Yes you get to shop all you want and never have to stand in line for the cash register...but its a lot of work I tell ya!
What they need to do is have wheelchair for the mother-to-be and let her wheel around that store and click and beep to her hearts content! There is soooo much stuff out there! I have two children...registered for the first but not the second, so its been like 3 years since I have seen some new things for babies.
I am going to pick one new item and "review" it for ya...I'll have to look through her 11 PAGES of registered stuff and pick something that I think is neat. That's lots, but the girl really needs just about everything...but it is a big list...isn't it???
We registered at the one here in Kitchener and the staff was helpful and there was a ton of stuff in the store...good choices. Just make sure you prepare yourself for about an hour or more. Wear comfortable shoes and no jacket, it gets way too hot. You can always go online and do some of the registering then that leaves you with less work to do in the store.

So check back for my first review...its going to be a regular thing on my blog.

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